This week, we will conclude our design discussions with how to integrate and interpret mixed methods research. We will discuss strategies to ensure that data work together and that interpretations are meaningful. We will also discuss when it is not appropriate to use a mixed methods approach.
- Creswell & Plano Clark (2018). Analyzing and Interpreting Data in Mixed Methods Research (Chpt. 7, pp. 209-258). PDF available on Canvas.
- Moran-Ellis, J., Alexander, V. D., Cronin, A., Dickinson, M., & Fielding, J. (2006). Triangulation and integration: Process, claims, and implications. Qualitative Research, 6, 45-59. PDF available on Canvas.
- Guetterman, T., Fetters, M., & Creswell, J. (2015). Integrating Quantitative and Qualitative Results in Health Science Mixed Methods Research Through Joint Displays. The Annals of Family Medicine, 13(6), 554-561. PDF available on Canvas.
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