Societal issues and the construction of disability: A conversation with Dr. Andrew M. Colombo-Dougovito

Cite as: McNamara, S. (Editor), & Colombo-Dougovito, A. M. (Contributor). (2022, Oct. 15). Societal issues and the construction of disability: A conversation with Dr. Andrew M. Colombo-Dougovito [Audio podcast]. Retrieved from

Show Notes

Tune into today’s podcast featuring Dr. Andrew Colombo-Dougovito of the University of North Texas, to discuss a variety of big picture issues within the fields of Physical Education and Adapted Physical Education including societal issues, systematic issues, and inclusivity. Additionally, we discuss the book he recently co-edited "Not Playing Around: Intersectional Identities, Media Representation, and the Power of Sport". Dr. Colombo-Dougovito is a renown scholar in APE and serves as the Director of the Physical Activity & Motor Skills Program and as the Head of the Disability & Movement Research Collective. He also serves on the Advocacy and Policy Committee for NCPEID, and is a member of the editorial board for PALAESTRA and Revista de Sobama: Journal of the Brazilian Association of Adapted Motor Activity.

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