"We live in a disabling society"

"We live in a disabling society"

Cite as: Colombo-Dougovito, A. M. (2023). “We live in a disabling society”: Artificial limitations, major barriers, and social injustice in the US as a result of Ableism [Presentation]. Retrieved from [add url] on [add the date].


Some version of presentation, “We live in a Disabling Society” has been given to undergraduate and graduate students during a guest lecture by invite of a colleague at the University of North Texas, as well as to colleagues at US-based and international institutions.

In the box below, you have access to an interactive version of these slides.

Audio/Video File

The video below is of a recorded lecture given to the undergraduate KINE 2550 students at the University of North Texas in April of 2021.

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