Research Perspectives in Kinesiology, Health Promotion, & Recreation
Course Description:
The study of human movement is a complex and ever-evolving science. To appropriately understand how we move, why we move certain ways, and how we can move better, a research scientist must design and employ a diverse array of research methodologies. Unfortunately, there is no one “right” way to conduct a research study; instead, we must ensure that there is cohesion between what is being asked and what is being analyzed. To that end, it is essential that researchers have a foundational understanding of how to design a study from conception through analysis. Further, competency in research methods is more than a technical understanding of statistics and measurement; it requires the development skills so as to critically analyze questions, methods, uses of research data and inferences based on evidence. The foundations of useful kinesiology-based research, therefore, relies on a solid understanding of the connections among research questions, methods for gathering and analyzing evidence, inference from evidence, and links between inference and use. These connections will be the foci and driving force of this course.
Learning Objectives:
This course has two broad goals: (1) to build a foundation on which students can begin to develop an understanding of the methods used in kinesiology, health promotion, and recreation research; and (2) develop students’ basic competencies in specifying linkages among research questions, methods, evidence, inference, and use. To accomplish these goals, this course will:
- Introduce the epistemological foundations of science;
- Describe the use of research methods within different paradigms and the types of research questions addressed by the various methods;
- Present fundamental tensions/questions commonly faced in research design (e.g., internal/external validity, generalizability/transferability, objectivity/subjectivity, replicability);
- Explain ethical issues in research and introduce the UNT IRB approval process that researchers must go through, and other ethical policies relevant to social science and human subject research methods; and
- Engage students in career development opportunities as young scholars.
Instructional Methods:
This course is designed around the principle of, “Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” No one approach can effectively address the range of challenges students will encounter throughout their program of study (and perhaps career), therefore, this course has been designed to introduce the breadth and depth of the skills needed for success. Throughout this course, students will be exposed to a variety of instructional methods, including direct instruction, interactive learning activities, faculty feedback, self-reflection, and peer-to-peer feedback in small groups.
Intended Audience:
This course is targeted towards two types of audiences:
- “Producers” – students who need to: (a) design research, (b) conduct research, and (c) present research to target audiences.
- “Consumers” – students who need to know how to (a) read research, (b) evaluate research, and (c) identify and use research results.
Required Text:
- Kowalski, K. C., McHugh, T. L. F., Sabiston, C. M., & Ferguson, L. J. (2018). Research Methods in Kinesiology. Ontario, Canada: Oxford University Press.
Recommended Text:
The following are not required for this course, through some readings will be made available in class from each source. They are, however, recommended as they will be beneficial for students during their course of study and careers as scientists.
- Creswell, J. W., & Creswell, J. D. (2018). Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches (5th Ed.). Thousand Oaks, California: SAGE Publications.
- American Psychological Association. (2019). Publication manual of the American psychological association (7th Ed). Washington, D.C.: Author.
Course Expectations:
Each student is expected to:
- Review online content & recorded lecture, be prepared to ask questions, to actively contribute to relevant class discussions, and turn in all assignments .
- Complete the required readings for each week. Students are expected to purchase/rent/borrow the course textbook. All required readings outside of the required textbook will be provided to students on the Canvas site for the course.
- Participate in and complete CITI training for either Biomedical or Social/Behavioral Science. Information will be provided in class and can be found here: A PDF confirmation/certification will be submitted with the final proposal (due December 2nd). If you have already completed the CITI training, please confirm this with me.
- Submit written assignments to course Canvas site in PDF format.
- Respond to discussion prompts.
on time
Grading Procedure:
This course uses criterion-referenced grading. That is, grades are determined by performance as compared to standards for each assignment, not based on performance of other students in the class. Grades are assigned for completed class assignments and the final proposal, including IRB forms. Criteria for each assignment can be found on the course Canvas site. You can learn more about each assignment by selecting it in the below table.
Grades will be determined by the following weights:
Grades Scale:
- 89.5 – 100 = A
- 79.5 – 89.4 = B
- 69.5 – 79.4 = C
- 59.5 – 69.4 = D
- 59.4 or below = F
Late Policy:
No late work will be accepted. However, life happens sometimes; therefore, each student has one (1) “S*** Happens” exemption. If for whatever reason, you do not feel like you can complete an assignment by the due date, email Dr. Colombo-Dougovito at least 24 hours prior to the deadline and you will be given a 4-day extension. No questions asked; you do not need to tell me a reason for this situation. Once you use up your 1 allowed late submission, all other late or missed assignments will be graded out of a zero (0). This may not be used for the poster presentation.